Friday, March 16, 2012

Think Before You Point

     It’s a shame that we live in a world where everything we do is judged. We are afraid to make one move because it could possibly offend our neighbors. But doesn’t it seem like more and more today, everything that someone does is taken offensively?
 My sister recently texted me this poem with the following text saying, “too offensive for Facebook?”
Twas the night before Patty's and all through Yunk
All the peoples preparing to get themselves drunk
Barrels of Jameson and Guinness all snug in their places
To be guzzled down throats of smiling green faces 
A weekend full of cheer as anyone will say
Where even a black can b Irish for one day. 
So don't lose your shamrocks and wrap your fiddles up tight
Happy Patty's day to all and to all a good night.
     My older sister was planning on posting this as a status to entice people to come to Kildare’s and drink at her bar on St. Patrick’s Day, but of course she needed my permission before she clicked the post button. The only reason why she felt it might be offensive is because of one simple line, “where even a black can b Irish for one day.” Now, my older sister is the farthest thing from racist. She has dated black men and accepts all walks of life every single day being not only a resident of Philadelphia, but an artist as well.
     That statement above is not racist. However, in today’s society, the consequences of that reference of a black person could be crippling to the author. These consequences are petty and ridiculous. But these consequences go both ways. All individuals, regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity point the finger of discrimination without processing how minute the issue is. Not everything a person who bares different skin from you is racist. Get over yourself.

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